Workload issues



The forms are available from your Nurse Manager and from your ONA unit / ward representative. You can also check the ONA Central web page click onto Members Section (Top Right Corner) for more information.

Complete the ONA-Professional Responsibility Workload Report Forms / Improper Work Assignment Forms. It is your professional responsibility to report unsafe patient care / practice to your employer. Failure to comply with your professional obligation of reporting may be considered professional misconduct.

Remember, the workload report form in itself is not a grievance, but the start of a paper trail to identify and demonstrate ongoing problems that will require a response by your employer. It also acts as proof of your identification of patient safety issues to your manager, and provides you with documentation, should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of responding to the Complaints and Disciplines Committee at the College of Nurse’s .

The PRC form is the documentation forms used to identify situations when you feel that patient care is compromised and you are unable to provide care to meet your nursing professional standards due to practise, patient acuity, fluctuating workloads and fluctuating staffing. This form will help to protect you in the current working conditions and it serves as your documentation that the Employer has been notified of working conditions that are not conductive to standard in patient care. It provides a tool for documentation to facilitate discussion and to promote a problem-solving approach.

The Local collects the information and copies are given to the Labour Relations Officer. Summary reports are presented and discussed at the TOH/ONA Corporate Joint Hospital Association Committee . Over the years our local was successful in increasing nursing patient ratio on many units across the corporation. This intern keeps the patient safe and offers them the best optimal care. It does work, if there is a unity within the department and all our nursing colleges support each other in difficult times.

ONA PRC Sample Template


Please complete the form below; print 3 copies keep one for yourself, give one to your manager and send one to ONA Local 83.  Either by dropping one in the ONA box, or fax it to 613 731-1307 or scan form to If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call 613 731-1314.

ONA PRC Report Form