ONA workshops are available to non-ONA members upon invitation by the Local at a cost of $100 per person, per day.

ONA 83 Supports Education For All Its Members

ONA-sponsored workshops are held throughout the year; salary and meals are paid by the Local. Course descriptions are available on the ONA Central website.

In consideration of the required preparation for workshops of all lengths and delivery methods, late registrations will not be processed, but will instead be directed to future workshop dates.

All registration requests will receive a reply confirming receipt and instructions for next steps.

If you are not seeking funding for your participation in an ONA workshop, letting your Local know of your interest in ONA education is a great idea – this helps them know who in their membership is informed, could be a potential resource and who they could source for succession planning!

ONA workshops are available to non-ONA members upon invitation by the Local at a cost of $100 per person, per day.


1. Our digital workshops will be delivered via Zoom. Please carefully read our “Zoom Info Sheet for Members” and take action on arranging all requirements well in advance of the workshop.

2. Due to the focused nature of some of our workshops, there may be background/pre-work/ reading suggested ensuring that each participant has the best learning experience possible. The Brochure indicates which of our workshops have pre-work. Be sure to budget time to do this work i n advance of the workshop. This work will be provided to you in your registration confirmation email.

3. These workshops do not contain specific COVID-19 information. Please contact for assistance.

HOW TO REGISTER ONA 83 Education Workshops

The process to apply for an ONA workshop:

1. Select ONA workshop of interest

2. Contact the Operations Manager directly at (613) 731-1314.

3. You will be contacted in advance to confirm registration and a package will be emailed to you.

4. If you are scheduled to work on the day of the workshop, you need to request Education leave through the local office and must have done so at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.

5. ** All leave requests must be submitted to the office ASAP for processing and to meet timelines **.

6. Education days will be paid by the Local (per local policy).


4.18 education

* All education will be subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

* Education will be done in Ottawa unless it is absolutely necessary to attend out of town.

* Out of town education will require the executive’s approval.

* Where a member has registered for education and fails to attend without ensuring that advance notice is given to the local regarding the reason, they are unable to attend; then that member will not be entitled to register for any further education in that current year. A discussion by the LC will be held with this individual outlining the reasons why education is being denied.

* Members will only be allowed to repeat an education if it has been more than 3 years since the original education unless there has been a significant change to education.

* If Members are working the night shift only 1 night will be reimbursed on the night prior or the night after the requested union leave.

* All members of Local 083 will be allowed up to a maximum of 2 courses per year.

* E-learning paperwork must include a copy of the certificate issued for the course taken showing the number of hours.


Dear ONA member,

As part of the requirement by the government, the following forms must be completed prior to ONA 83 reimbursing you for time spent on ONA business (i.e. Education, Arbitration hearings, Grievance hearings, etc.).

Please complete the following if you haven’t done so in the past or if there are changes to your address or if you wish to request additional tax to be deducted. (TD1ON Ontario Tax Credits / TD1 Federal Tax Credits).

*A copy of a recent pay stub (as per policy) must be submitted at the beginning of each year and whenever you have a salary change before payment can be made.
All forms must be signed and dated, receipts attached and scanned to within 14 days post-event. Failure to do so will result in non-payment (as per policy).

*E-learning paperwork must include a copy of the certificate issued for the course taken showing the number of hours.

Thank you for following ONA and the government policies.

Treasurer, ONA 83

EDUCATION Reimbursement Forms

Please send all original documents to the Bargaining unit office-TOH Suite 1000-36 Antares Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 7W5