Human rights bursaries

The purpose of the bursary fund is to provide opportunities for ONA members to participate in Human Rights and/or Equity education and outreach

There will be up to four annual bursaries of up to $1,000.00 each, with additional bursaries made available from time to time subject to the availability of revenue within the fund and the discretion of the Team.

Eligibility Requirements

Must be a bonafide member of ONA at the time of application.

Must provide evidence that the program/activity relates to and promotes Human Rights and/or Equity issues.

Must provide evidence that the anticipated expenditure will require the amount of bursary applied for.

Must explain how she/he plans to share the information obtained with other ONA members and the Human Rights & Equity Team.

Monies will be paid upon proof of completion of program/activity.


Submitted applications for education/outreach during each year will be considered as follows:

Term Application Deadline Applicants will be notified by
January to June November 30th December 30th
July to December May 30th June 30th

Applicants should indicate if they wish to be considered later in the year if not selected on their first application.

Bursary applicants should submit a letter to the Human Rights and Equity Team containing the information requested under eligibility requirements.

  • Write to us at:
    Human Rights and Equity Team
    Ontario Nurses’ Association
    85 Grenville Street, Suite 400
    Toronto , ON M5S 3A2
  • Send a fax attention to the Human Rights and Equity Team at (416) 964-8864
  • Leave a message on the Human Rights and Equity Team voice-mail box:
    1-800-387-5580 or (416) 964-8833
    ext. 7768 (English) or ext. 7769 (French)

Be sure to include your name and mailing address or fax number.

Human Rights and Equity Web Sites