Health and Safety Letter
Dear ONA Member,
As a union member, you have the right to have union representation at any meeting regarding your workplace or non-workplace injury and modified work program. You also have the choice of the physician who will treat your injury. As your Health and Safety Representative, we are here to provide any assistance that you may require regarding your WSIB claim.
It is very important that you retain hard copies of all the necessary information in case there are any problems with your WSIB claim and for future reference. Please keep all your records concerning your injury together. This includes:
- a copy of your Hospital Employee Incident Report;
- a copy of the WSIB, Form 7 or Form 1492; and
- a copy of the WSIB, Form 8, which is completed by the first treating physician
- you may be required to apply for Long Term Disability to ensure your income is kept whole, as recovery may be longer than planned
Ontario Nurse’s Association and The Ottawa Hospital are committed to providing modified work to those members with related injuries , whenever possible. Therefore it is important to keep Occupational Health & Safety Services apprised of any difficulties you may encounter with your modified work program.
If you have any questions about your WSIB claim or modified work program, please contact your ONA Local 83 Office:
ONA 83 Office
36 Antares Drive Suite 1000
Ottawa , ON K2E 7W5
Tel: (613) 731-1314
Fax: (613) 731-1307
Civic site
TRC site
ext. 251
ext. 260
ext. 260
ext. 261
ext. 253
Your Health, Your Safety
Protect yourself, if you ever experienced
- verbal/physical abuse from patients, family, or co-workers.
- an injury on any part of your body due to your work (lifting, pulling, falling, etc.)
- Musculoskeletal System Injury.
- Repetitive Strain.
It is your duty to report and document any injury by filling an Employee Incident Report.
Only you can make the difference.
Call ONA 83 office: (613) 731-1314
Health and Safety Lead (613) 731-1314 ext. 263